Saturday, March 2, 2013

C4K Blogs - Part One

Here is a picture of a William Shakespear in modern pajamas, looking at a computer, about to click a mouse while thinking 'To blog or not to blog. That is the question'.

Week One: Hanna
Hanna wrote her post about the historical fiction book called An Acquaintance with Darkness by Anna Rinaldi that she was reading. She stated that even though she was only half way through with the book that she was already in love with it and could not wait to finished it. I told her that I was very happy that I had found someone else who loved books too and that she should hold on to that love all throughout her life. She will be amazed how a love to read can change everything. The only part I would have changed on her blog is that I wanted her to write more: why did she like it, what were her favorite parts and so on. I wanted to leave some suggested reading but feared that they might be for an older grade level so I hope that she will read this blog and think about reading these too:
If I Should Die Before I Wake by Han Nolan
Number the Stars by Lois Lowry

Week Two:
Matt titled his post "Banned Super Size Soda" where he stated that there is no reason why schools should have super size carbonated drinks. One can contains 360 calories and 100 grams of sugar and that drinking these can help lead a child closer to obesity. I stated that I agreed with him and that in my own high school we had mostly water, juice or Gatorade and that there were only one or two that had a small amount of carbonated drinks. I asked him that if he was the principle of the school what other changes would he make beside banning super size sodas like having healthy and delicious school lunches and P.E. I also asked that if he were an obese child who wanted to change what other help could you need from those around you. I hope that his school do take those drinks out; it might be that one time a child chose something healthy that helped to change their lives for the better.

Week Three:
Paula titled her post "Perimeter" where she explains using a picture of a rectangle, its measured sides, what a perimeter is and how to find the perimeter. I told her that I liked how she used a picture and not just words/numbers to explain what she was doing and that I was happy to find someone who loved math too. I also included that next time she should write out on the side what she is doing and how she got her answer. This way when others see her blog they can follow along and learn how to solve the problem. I liked her post and hope she makes more.

Week Four:
Amy titled her post "Hegemony" which means a controlling or dominating influence over another. Here she explains her hurt over teachers and other Christians who judge and look down on her when they see that she is not the same as them; that she believes differently than others. She also states that she should "be able to express [her] beliefs without being belittled or judged." I was very shocked and hurt that she had been so mistreated and told her that she should never feel like this when speaking her mind. I told her about my days in an all girls Catholic school in New York and that even though my classmates believed differently then me they where not different. I remember many lunch periods spent asking each other questions, seeing our similarities/differences and even laughing at the thought that to an outsider what we each do might seem funny. We all had a different belief but we respected each other enough to work, learn and grow together and I hope that Amy can find such people too. I also told her to ignore those who talk about her or try to force their beliefs on her because if they were really there to help her then they would not wish to harm her and that she will be in my prayers.

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